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Prepping your skin for sun: What you need to know

Prepping your skin for sun: What you need to know

Monday, March 20, 2023

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Spring has officially arrived, and so has the sun. Now that folks are waking up from their proverbial hibernation, they are preparing and planning more outdoor time. Before you start that garden, go for a run, or take a hike, make sure you prepare for the harmful UV rays and external pollutants. Learn why new exposure to the sun can be damaging to your skin and why prepping your skin for sun is important.

Prepping your skin for sunshine

Due to the increase in skin issues over the last decade, it is more important than ever to take extra precautions with your skin as the nice weather arrives. The earth’s axis tilts the northern hemisphere so that the sun’s rays hit the at a steeper angle in warmer months, making UV rays even stronger than usual. According to the American Cancer Society, skin cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in the United States, with more cancers being diagnosed each year than all other cancers combined.

UV radiation is made up of UVA and UVB rays which both cause damage to your skin. UVA rays penetrate the deeper layers of skin and are often associated with aging, age spots, eye injuries, and cataracts. UVB rays penetrate the top layers of your skin and cause sunburns, which can lead to more extensive damage to the skin and is a major risk factor for melanoma. While everyone needs UV exposure to maintain vitamin D levels, it’s crucial to protect against those harmful rays.

Remember that skin is extra vulnerable

The first time you step outside each year to get some sun is the most vulnerable time for your skin. Many assume that getting a base tan before leaving for vacation will help your skin be better adapted to the sun, but this is not necessarily true. A tan indicates that your skin has already produced some melanin, which helps filter future rays from the sun, but it’s also a sign of sun damage. Don’t be tempted to visit tanning beds. According to studies, just one indoor tanning session can increase the risk of developing melanoma, one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer, by 75 percent.

Be prepared

Don’t be caught off guard by the sun. Make sure to wear protective clothing with you whenever you go outside. A wide-brimmed hat is great for protecting your scalp, forehead, ears, and nose, while sunglasses protect your eyes from UV-inflicted damage and the fragile skin surrounding your eyes from fine lines and brown spots. Make sure to apply sunscreen and select products with an SPF of at least 30+ to protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Follow the directions and reapply every hour. Don’t forget to wear an SPF lip balm, also.

Hydrate as much as possible and avoid sugar

Hydrating inside and out is the key to keeping your skin radiant. Eight glasses of water is the recommended daily minimum to help your body perform at its best. Water keeps your body hydrated and refreshed by maintaining your skin elasticity. Those who drink less water are more likely to deal with scars, wrinkles, and signs of aging.

More studies are pointing toward refined sugars and grains being the reason for breakdown of collagen and elastin, loss of radiance, and cause of acne. As your insulin levels increase from eating candy, cakes, white breads, and pastas, so do the androgen hormones which make skin cells grow at a faster rate, causing inflammation and an increase in your skin’s sebum production.

Switch up your skin care routine

Changes in humidity, sun exposure, and outdoor activity will force you to adjust your routine. Even if you’ve been avoiding exfoliating your skin due to dryness over the winter, now is the time to rethink the need to exfoliate. Heavy winter layers may have been keeping dead skin from effectively sloughing off. You don’t have to limit yourself to physical exfoliation that has abrasive particles that scrub away dead skin. RENUAdvanced™ Balancing Toner allows you to exfoliate and balance your skin with gentle edelweiss flower extract, which is known to help protect and soothe skin sensitivity. Maclura cochinchinensis leaf helps you maintain skin biome and improve the appearance of blemished skin.

As part of your spring care routine, using a lighter moisturizer can help keep skin healthy and hydrated without weighing it down or making you feel greasy. RENUAdvanced™ Hydrating Cream uses fruit extract to help calm and re-energize your skin while using sea fennel to support your natural exfoliation process. Plus, it has powerful vitamin C that protects against free radicals and helps with UV exposure and hyaluronic acid which helps your skin stay hydrated and plump.

Learn why so many are using the RENUAdvanced™ Skin Care System.

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